Become a Glow °
The support that is given by people is very important to us, it keeps us going, and so we would like to give back what we can.
For supporters we offer various tiers as rewards that include exclusive access to sneak peeks and early access to any ongoing projects.
As a Glow, we would recognise you as a supporter in ways that are not specifically financial, be it engaging with what we do and providing feedback, being active in our community, sharing our work on social media, or a customer of our software tools and games.
To become a Glow, you need only be in our Discord, so that we can assign this role that allows you to see into what we call the Veil.
If you are not already part of our Discord community, we would love to see you there !
Please note that being offered the role of Glow is entirely at our discretion, and is not automatic on being in our Discord server.

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